So I was sitting here at work, playing a game on my iPad (aka busy at work) when I reached down to scratch my leg and I discovered something, my legs are hairy. I started thinking I should have shaved my legs BEFORE wearing shorts today but then I thought why should I? Honestly, no one should be close enough to know if I have shaved or not except my hubby who is not here, so why should I shave? Then it hit me and ladies this is huge! Just think about it, God gave us hairy legs, it's a fact, I like to think its extra insulation for the winter months ( or thats what I tell myself) but society told us we have to shave so we shave. Why do we shave? Well it's just nicer, I even enjoy it when I have clean shaven legs, I mean who enjoys getting into a bed with freshly washed sheets, you slide in starting to drift off to imagination land when you shift your legs and all your legs hairs pop through the baby holes in the sheets? Not a very nice feeling and not really sexy, let's be real. So this is the. Inclusion I have come to: we shave to get the fellows and once we get then, we slack off a little (not completely) but when our men are away ladies I say let the hair fly! Seriously it's a natural God given defense system! Who would wanna flirt with a girl with as much leg hair as your dad? I mean I guess some people are into that........ Think about it, God has given us ladies some ways to be left alone, society will say they are imperfections but embrace them! Here is a list of natural defense systems God has gifted us with:
1) hairy legs
2) morning breathe ( no smoochies)
3) bed head
4) crop dusting ( works every time)
5) PMS ( work it girls)
6) arm pit hair
7) food in your teeth ( leave it in and be left alone)
8) don't bathe ( sounds so simple and yet so effective)
9) when you have to sneeze, sneeze on your admirer
10) really dig in when you have a wedgie
11) don't pluck your eyebrows
12) don't wear deodorant (smell is a big thing)
Alright, I know I went a little overboard here, some of these things men can do as well but sometimes it is more surprising when women do it (like hairy arm pits). So ladies, when you are going out with the ladies and you just wanna be left alone by all the fellas ( and they will come because let's face it, your hot) I would choose one of these tactics. I can pretty much guarantee each one of these personally! Sometimes when you do these so often and you get lost in the crowd, when you really put in effort and clean up, you get the WOW factor which is worth it! (trust me, I am experienced). Until next time......