Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Red Headed Fail

Have you ever hyped something up so much and then when time came to reveal your surprise, it was a flop?  My old roomie threw a party for her birthday and it was a themed party, dress as your favorite red head.  You could be a movie character, cartoon or someone from a book and I choose Effie from the Hunger Games*.  I didn’t share with my roomie who I was going to be because we are both HUGE fans of the books and I wanted it to be a surprise so I kept it a secret even though she kept begging for me to tell her (might I add it is extremely hard for me to keep a secret, ask my husband I always tells him what he is getting for Christmas like a week before).  Well, I held this secret for weeks!!  I even recruited my friend, who does AMAZING make-up, I mean I went all out!  I even bought make-up, hair things and nail polish which was hard for me.  Anyway, it took us 2 ½ hours to get all done up and I looked great!!  Not exactly like how she looks in the movie but we put our own spin on it which makes it fun.  I was driving over and people were staring at me (see Facebook pictures) but I kept telling myself it was worth it because it was going to make my friend happy.  So I finally get there and there were some other party goers arriving at the same time and none of them knew who I was but I just figured they haven’t read the books so it was ok.  I made my way to the door and I busted and was in the Ta-Da stance and she had this blank stare on her face.  FAIL.  She had no idea who I was and by this time everyone at the party had stopped because I was the only one with stage makeup on to stare and try to figure out who I was. CRICKET.  I am sure you have experienced this before also with like a movie or something.  You talk this movie up at work and then when everyone finally gets together to watch it and you are cracking up but you are the only one.  It’s always so weird when that happens, I mean what do you do?  I informed them of who I was attempting to be and I think they gave me the pity “Oh yeah….” You all know what I am talking about.  Next time I don’t think I should be so outside the box :x  Good thing I am so use to people staring at my face and looking confused… I get that a lot….. So moral of the story, ask the excitement level of the event so you are not the one who looks like a super freak when everyone else looks less freakish. 
*the Hunger Games….. all you need to know is that you need to read it…no seriously stop whatever you are doing right now and go buy all 3 books, you will be glad you did*

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